Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Thank You, Public Television

Gym class today ended with a game that the kids had to play themselves (parents weren't allowed to help). The kids sat on a red gym mat, and Miss Julie was on the other side of the room with a monkey puppet. The kids would ask, "what time is it?" and the monkey would say 1 or 2 or 7. Then the kids were supposed to take that number of steps forward (until the monkey said midnight, and then they were all supposed to run back to the mat). The other kids caught on, and counted out steps, but Daniel either didn't get it or couldn't care less, and he ended up getting help from Mister Dustin. I felt like the other parents around me were taking pity on me because my kid didn't get it.

But then when we went to put on socks & shoes after class, Daniel went over to the puzzle-rack, and pointed to an alphabet puzzle. "The letter 'Q!'" he explained, pointing correctly at the letter Q.

"That's right." I said.

"Q is for Quiet," Daniel said.

All the parents around me turned and stared. None of the other kids in the class have identified any letters yet, not that I've heard, much less associated them with words. It felt like we went from last in the class to first in just a few minutes. I'm really proud of my little guy.

And I'd like to thank his Mom for reading to him every night. And thank you, Public Television, for Super-Why. He loves that show.

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