Thursday, November 15, 2012

New Contractions...

...but not of the baby-forthcoming variety. Daniel has started using his own self-devised contraction in speech: amn't. Amn't is a concatenation of a shortened "am not," as in "I amn't hungry" but more commonly used as a response to a question. Example: "Daniel, are you ready for bed?"

"I amn't!"

He uses this contraction quite often, many times a day right now.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

3 Big Decisions

Daniel has recently discovered three great joys of childhood, and he has made some important decisions based up these discoveries: 1) He has decided that he no longer needs to eat any boring ol' food he doesn't want, he will live instead on Halloween candy alone, 2) He wants to move out of our house and relocate to a toy store (Beyond the Blackboard), and 3) the only song that he wants to listen to is the theme to "Ghostbusters," over and over again, as played by his novelty, dancing "ghost-dog," Buster.