Tuesday, November 9, 2010

At Long Last, Peek-a-Boo

Daniel is now playing peek-a-boo with us. He took the towel from me last night and actually hid himself, and then popped out at me, three times. Amazing.

He is also leafing through his board books, now, and looking at the pictures.

He is eating real oatmeal w/me @ breakfast.

This morning, he soldier crawled after me from the bedroom, to the living room, to the kitchen. 3 rooms! A new record.

However, he is having trouble sleeping at nights (so his Mom and I are, too), and he refuses to recognize the "fall back one hour" clock adjustment that just kicked in with the end of Daylight Savings time, so he's getting up now before 7am and konking out around 6:30pm (this is one of the million things they don't tell you in Daddy Boot-Camp). It's awkward.

And he has a fourth tooth coming in, upstairs.

1 comment:

  1. It has been incredible watching all of these developmental pieces fall into place. There are times, especially at the dinner table, when you can see he's trying to tell you something and gets exasperated when you don't understand. Funny to think that at (almost) 11 months, he already thinks Mom and Dad are out of touch.
