Daddy had to undertake his first stern disciplinary action today. Daniel has been repeated asked to stay out of the jar with the scissors in it, not to pull all of the wipeez out, and not to climb on the chair in his bedroom. He did all that today and more. Because he was no longer confined to his crib, he told me at 8:15am that he wasn't going to take a nap today, and he repeated this every ten minutes for the next three hours, as if he was keenly aware that I'd lost the upper hand in the crib/nap struggle.
Things came to a head when I left him alone for 5 minutes so that I could roll the trashcans out to the curb, and when I came back in the house, he was unrolling a spool of yellow ribbon he'd taken out of the scissor jar in my absence. I took him into his room and made him sit on his bed, and asked him to stay there (in "timeout") while I left the room. I came back in one minute and he was already out of his bed, so I put him back in it. We did this process one more time, and then he was starting to become upset, so I asked him why he thought I wanted him to stay in his bed. He said he didn't know, and I explained it was about the scissor jar. He said he wasn't doing that, which in our current state of odd tenses means that he wasn't doing it any more. I let him off the bed at this time.
When it came time for naptime, we followed the same procedure as we used to when there was a crib. I left the room for three minutes, and then I heard him taking the bag of wipeez out of the drawer. I came in the room and he was filling his toy shopping cart with diaper supplies and clothes from his drawers. I put him gently, carefully back in bed and he broke down crying about how he didn't want to sleep. I stayed with him for two minutes and then left. He was still whimpering, but he fell asleep almost immediately.
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