Thursday, June 21, 2012

Read to Me

Daniel is reading to Mommy before bed these days.  He likes to point to the words on the page as he "reads" each one deliberately. The title page is a favorite.  We have several small (6 page) board books that Daniel holds, flips through forward and backward as he describes the pictures.  When he's finished, he closes the book and asks "Do you like that story?" 

Another favorite book these days is "The Tawny-Scrawny Lion".  Reading it now, I find the vegetarian theme pretty funny.  Daniel will whip up a batch of "carrot stew" for Mom and Dad in his play kitchen.  The critical ingredient to his version is "tools" (nuts, bolts, nails from his tool box).

In other news, the frequency & intensity of tantrums has increased.  Most of what I read says he's right on schedule as this difficult behavior generally ramps up at 2.5 years.  Though it's a good indication that he's developing normally, the histrionics are frustrating.  Last night, the big outburst centered around wanting to ride in Grandma and Grandpa's car as they were headed home for the evening.  As an added bonus, it was bedtime so staying with Mom and Dad also meant putting on pajamas and brushing teeth - not favorite activities these days.  Yelling, tears, feet stomping, the works.  I tried the "Happiest Toddler on the Block" technique of connecting with respect which snapped him out of the tantrum.  But, when Grandma and Grandpa actually left and we had to get ready for bed, some of the emotions flared up again.  Daniel didn't completely lose it again but the battles are tiring.

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