Yesterday, my plan was to start building the kitchen while Daniel was napping. I figured I'd wait for Jarl to get home if I found I needed another pair of hands. Well, Daniel didn't nap. He chattered away in his crib for nearly 3 hours. And, I managed to assemble the bottom part of the kitchen unassisted. I rescued Daniel from his crib and asked that he not walk off with hardware and tools while I built the top of the kitchen. Luckily, Jarl arrived shortly after that to maintain a Daniel-free perimeter.
Daniel spent the evening turning the "burners" on and off ("Grocery store!" because the burners look like glowing, red Target logos), filling/emptying/removing the sink, throwing felt "food", and piling toys in the cabinets and microwave ("Microphone!" starts the same). The kitchen withstood the test beautifully. I am well pleased!
In other news, I realized I forgot to mention one of Daniel's word games. He's playing around with possessives and it goes something like:
D: Mommy's fries!
Me: Right! Your fries are on your plate.
D: Daddy's fries!
Me: <wait for it>
D: Daniel's fries!
This game works with lots of things: books, pens, water, beds, cups...
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