Thursday, October 20, 2011

Bedtime Battles

For the last couple of weeks, we've started having battles over bedtime and sleeping through the night again. We had a really great run where Daniel would settle down for the evening with some milk, maybe a couple of books/songs. Then, we could put him in his crib, and he'd sleep. All night.

Before this golden age, he would often cry when put in his crib or fall asleep then wake up every couple of hours (crying), needing to be soothed. Some nights, he would wake up as soon as he went back in his crib and wouldn't calm down until we put him in our bed with us. When he was small, it wasn't a big deal. As he got bigger, none of us slept well in our bed because Daniel's head was wedged between my shoulder blades or he'd periodically kick his dad in the crotch.

The struggle over bedtime has returned. Last night, Daniel began crying shortly after being put in his crib. His complaints would die down, then he'd upset himself all over again crying harder to the point where I thought he was going to make himself physically ill. After 45 minutes of this, I took him out of his crib and sat with him until I was certain he was deeply asleep. He slept through the night without waking us. Other nights, he has gone to sleep without complaining, but woke up at midnight/2am/4am and wouldn't go back in his crib.

I'm not sure what causes him to wake up and freak out. My theories include: growth spurt, conflict resulting from wanting to be independent but still wanting to be comforted like a baby, and burgeoning fear of the dark. Whatever the cause, Momma needs sleep.

1 comment:

  1. It's definitely frustrating when he "plays possum" at 3am. He acts like he's totally asleep for 20-30 minutes, but then miraculously springs back to life the moment I get up to put him back in the crib. And forget about "gently levering" him back into the crib now, he's too long and too heavy!
